Sunday, November 7, 2010


Lately I just have not been in a good mood.
I'm just really sad and disappointed in a lot of things that have been happening.
and i actually reached my breaking point this weekend. 
but then, today i went to church. and i was reaffirmed of the love my Savior has for me. 
There IS a reason why I am going through everything. And I know, without a doubt my trials are bringing me closer to him.
Because i know i can't do anything without my Savior. 
The gospel makes me so overwhelmingly happy. 
Like right now, I am SO happy. You would have never guessed that 12 hours ago I cried myself to sleep.

 I love Jesus Christ.
 I love the Book of Mormon.
 And of course, I love my family. 
lots and lots of love.
i'm just the luckiest i guess.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for that Lindsay! I adore you and the love you have for Jesus Christ! I needed this more then you will ever know. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
