Tuesday, April 26, 2011

the royals.

i'm going to be honest. 
i don't understand all the buzz on the royal wedding. it literally makes no sense to me... and whenever i ask someone what the big deal is, i just get a response like "Kate is going to be a princess!" or "they are royalty!"
but... we are in America. right?

but now i have a problem. i might just be getting obsessed. I watched 3 specials on E! and TLC last night and today about it. 
THIS STUFF IS NUTS! 7 tiered cakes, the effort that goes into the FLOWERS. the FOOD. and not to mention.. Kate and William are SOOO cute together. 

but the real deal is... HARRY
get a load of this guy! 

that hair! oh gosh... sign me up. 
we could have a royal wedding part 2.

all in all... i think i will be watching the wedding this weekend. after much hesitation, it's just got to happen. 


  1. I'm glad you've caught a glimpse of the light! Harry is 100% the best... WAY more attractive than William! I can't wait! If you need a viewing partner... let me know!

  2. okay its so funny that you blogged about this, my plan is to blog about him tomorrow bahahah... I saw all that stuff about him on TLC.. i was DYING! HE IS SO FREAKIN SEXY! I agree with you. whole heartedly.
