Sunday, May 15, 2011

going nutso.

working over 40 hours a week gives me very little to blog about. 
 but this weekend i managed to find some time to go see this movie
i'm not sure how i feel about it... kind of a messed up story to be honest. i think i liked it.. maybe? just nothing really happened how i wanted it to. i dont' know. but i love Ginnifer Goodwin--seriously so cute. Colin Egglesfield? babe-alert. and John Krasinski was hilarious and so cute in it!

spent some real quality time with darc bomb and morgan b randall. they are some of the biggest reasons i miss school. but the helped me find the most perfect nail polish, and i will be forevs greatful :)   (ps. missing my morgan while she is in Moscow.)

this weeks goal? blog more. which means I AM GOING TO DO STUFF ON MY SUMMER LIST! totes excited!

in the mean time... enjoy this. on November 16th of this year i would like a saxagram--PuHLEASE. 

ps. my eyes will NOT stop leaking. i can barely see what i type.


  1. Ok that sexy sax video. FREAKING HILARIOUS.

  2. I've heard so many weird things about that movie this weekend. basically everyone feels the same about it. haha..
