Wednesday, September 15, 2010

2 years. 2 years.

It's insane to me that my best friend, Elduh Tanner Wheadon went into the MTC today. Start of the mish. I am kind of jealous. for 2 reasons. 1/ ERRone in Canada couldn't be more lucky. 2/ i wish i was going on a mission.
I swear he just got the call.
It's such an odd feeling. Truly. Yesterday at our final goodbye with Brand, Em, Tann, and I it was almost awkward.but of course we were all emotional.
and for the past couple of days I just keep thinking about the most hilarious times all of us shared. alllll starting on the hill by his house. :) hahah
i am sooo happy for him though. and writing letters/emails is going to be the best thing.. i just don't know if i will be saying that in a year though!
i can't wait for the reunion of these 6 people in dos years.
i wish my life were more exciting... oh well. I am patient. good things will come!
I was really uplifted today in Institute today! Often when things are going bad or even just are hard we often think we are doing something wrong. BUT THAT'S WRONG! Satan brings us down when we are doing the RIGHT things. I have never really thought of things that way:) Institute is the best. I just love Bro. Barthalomew.
and then just this morn. this little gem of a scripture popped up on my phone! (my phone is so nice! she gives me a daily scripture to read!) D&C 84:45. CH-CHECK IT OUT.

thats all i want to say for now. i'll probably blog layter. peace in!


  1. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH THE HILL. by his home. what better place to pause and cry our hearts out. oh i would love to go back to sophomore year and start over. just live moment by moment.

  2. that seriously was thee best place to stop. start of all the hilarity of memories!!
    i totally agree lady. AGH-REED.
